Jeremiah is enrolled - All out for Clew and Karina 9-28 Noon!

Many GLO members will have heard about our petition for three grads being forced out of their programs. We’ve just learned that one of them, Jeremiah, has been able to enroll for the Fall term, and won’t have to leave the US!

After we started our petition, Brown paid Jeremiah for the time he worked without pay this Summer. The University also waived the thousands of dollars in late payment charges it had assessed. Combined with his GoFundMe and other support, this enabled Jeremiah to pay off his balance from last Spring and re-enroll as a student.

But Brown still hasn’t agreed to equal pay for equal work for tuition-paying masters grads, and we’re still fighting for Clew and Karina. We need to keep the pressure on: GLO is going ALL OUT for Clew and Karina!

We’re rallying at the Main Green on Wednesday, September 28th at noon. We’ll then march to the School of Public Health. RSVP here for the rally!

After a year of her advisor not allowing her to move forward on her dissertation, Karina is being forced to leave Brown on the cusp of completing her PhD. We’re demanding Karina be allowed to finish what she’s started.

Clew has been "withdrawn" from their program after being denied unpaid leave to care for their sister as she goes through chemotherapy. We’re demanding that Clew be reinstated and offered family leave.

Support for grads cannot end at admissions.

We need your help to win this fight. If you’re on campus, contact to help us organize and fight for our colleagues to stay.

In solidarity,
Chris Woods, Political Science
GLO Lead Organizer for the Social Sciences
on behalf of the Organizing Committee


Voting in our constitution referendum


take action for grads being forced out