GLO wins raise arbitration with brown!

Last year, thanks to your hard work during our wage reopener, we won a historic 12.9% raise, helping us all keep up with skyrocketing rents and record inflation. Shortly after the raise was supposed to go into effect, we received reports from members in CS and DEEPS that their department administrators were cutting their top-ups on the base stipend by $3,000, going against our agreement with the Graduate School and effectively imposing a paycut on our members. 

We wouldn’t stand for this. We organized an emergency rally and immediately went to arbitration with the University over their retaliation and bad faith bargaining.

Last week, we received amazing news— WE WON OUR RAISE ARBITRATION! All grads that were denied their rightful raise will receive the full amount of backpay that they are owed. 

This happened because of our hard work and collective action. Thanks to members attending open bargaining during our wage reopeners, we were able to hold Brown accountable and get us all the raise we deserve. Now, it’s time to do it again. Can you RSVP for the next bargaining session to support our bargaining committee and help secure a strong second contract?


Voting is live on our tentative agreement!


All Out for our first bargaining session 2-15-23!