Run for GLO Steward!

We're taking the next step in building our union's democratic structure by announcing steward elections! Stewards are key union representatives and they do an important job to ensure that our contract is enforced and our rights are protected. More than that, our Stewards Assembly will play a critical role in helping run our union (you can read more about the duties of stewards on pages 11-13 of our constitution).

The period for nominations begins today and runs through February 19; steward candidates must receive five nominations from members in their worksite. In worksites where more than one candidate reaches the nomination threshold, an election will ensue to determine who will hold the position. You can nominate yourself or a colleague with the form here!

Our organizing coordinator and lead organizers have divided our membership into several worksites based on either department or location (these sites are listed on the nomination form). Each worksite will select one steward, whose job it will be to organize the worksite, monitor contract abuses and grievances, represent grads on work-related matters and in grievances, and serve as an important conduit of information between union officers and committees and grad workers on the job. As a member of the Stewards Assembly, stewards set goals for the Executive Board and Committees, participate in shaping our priorities and campaigns, and initiate referenda on political and union matters.

Becoming a steward is a great opportunity to help your fellow grads and become more involved in our union. It's also an important part of ensuring transparency in our union structure and fair union representation of all grads. We encourage everyone to seek nominations: incoming stewards will be trained, and we welcome members of all years, ages, identities, and levels of union experience. Because we want to ensure that our elected representatives are as diverse as our membership is, we especially encourage women, people of color, queer, trans and gender nonconforming grads, and disabled and neurodiverse grads to run for steward.

The nomination form is here; you can nominate yourself or someone else at your worksite. If you're running, you might consider reaching out to colleagues in your worksite to ask for their nomination. If you're considering running but you aren't sure, or you have questions about the position, you can reach out to GLO's executive board and we'll be happy to have a conversation with you about the work. We'll also be talking more about steward elections at our upcoming General Members Meeting on Wednesday, January 27 at 6pm - RSVP here!

We look forward to a vibrant Stewards Assembly and an exciting new chapter for GLO.


Raises and Rights Campaign Kickoff


COVID-19 Appointment Extensions